9 Social Media Safety Tips for Women in a Digital World

As of late, an unfortunate number of women have become victims of horrifying crimes and because if this we need to know how to stay safe at all times, this includes staying safe when it comes to cyber-crimes.

Did you know that woman as young as 18 experience severe harassment online? Many have been stalked online as well as been the target of online sexual harassment. Because cyber-crime continues to grow and target women, it’s important to always be mindful of the dangers that lurk online.

1. Never share your password.  It may sound pretty silly, I mean, who shares their passwords, right? You would be surprised! A lot of people share their passwords with their friends or partners and while they may not intentionally want to harm you, they may accidentally share it with others.

2. Never leave your webcam on. There are so many apps that have the capability to switch on your webcam, allowing just about anyone to record your movements without your knowledge. Always take extra precautions and disable your camera as well as cover it when you’re not using it.

3. Never share more than you need to. Always remember that criminals use social media too and even the best of people can do bad things. That is why you should never share your personal messages, photos, information or anything else that can come back to hurt you or put you in danger.

4. Never meet online friends alone. When you’re chatting to someone online, you have no idea of who they really are. They may send you photos and talk to you over the phone, but catfishing is a common scenario these days. If you are meeting someone always tell your friends and family where you are going and make sure to meet in a public area.

5. Never reveal more than you need to. As with number 3 mentioned above, it is vital that you always be extra careful when posting details about your whereabouts and lifestyle. There are so many sinister people out there using social media, so always disable your geotagging option.

6. Always update your OS. It can be irritating at times, but updating your operating system is vital when it comes to keeping you safe. Security updates and patches keep the threats at bay. Always install them no matter how busy you may be.

7. Always use an anti-virus software. Having a computer or phone without a security system is like sitting at home with all your doors wide open. All devices are at risk when it comes to malicious software. Always install a security system you can trust on all your devices!

8. Always read the fine print. Know and understand the terms of any service you are using. A lot of websites actually take your private information and sell it to other companies. In the end, it can come back as a much bigger problem.

9. Always block people you don’t want to interact with. Never feel like you should accept all the friend requests you get. Trust your gut and decline, ignore, unfriend of block! You get to choose who stays in your friend list, no one else.

When it comes to online safety, using your common sense is your first line of defence. If something feels off to you, go with your gut, you don’t have to explain yourself to anyone as long as you are safe!

 At our OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) department we work to keep you safe online, including on social media. if you feel you've become a victim do not hesitate to call 021 110 0422 | email contact@osint.co.za.


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