What is Ethical Hacking?

Ethical hacking, sometimes known as white hat hacking is when a digital forensics expert or OSINT investigator attempts to penetrate a computer system, network or app on behalf of the owners – with their permission. Ethical hacking is usually done to find if there is any security vulnerabilities that a hacker or cybercriminal could use to exploit someone.

The purpose of ethical hacking is to test the security of the systems involved and identify if there are any vulnerabilities in the system as well as the network or infrastructure. Investigators involved will often attempt to exploit the vulnerabilities themselves to see whether malicious activities are possible.

Black hat hackers are the unethical counterpart of ethical hackers. Rather than take advantage, ethical hackers will use their skills to document if there are any weaknesses in the systems and give advice on how to fix them and then strengthen their overall security systems.

Here are some ways ethical hacking done by digital forensics experts involve in OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) can help businesses and organisations:

1. Finding Vulnerabilities: By using ethical hacking you can discover if the IT security measures are working properly as well as whether they need to be updated. A business can use the advice from ethical hackers and improve their overall security to stay safe from cyber-attacks, including online scams and fraud.

2. Demonstrate Cybercrime Methods: These demonstrations can help show users how malicious hackers will attach their systems and create disasters for businesses. Those who have an in-depth knowledge of this are better able to prevent it from happening again in the future.

3. Prepare for a Cyber-attack: The one way to destroy a business is a cyber-attack, especially small businesses, but businesses are still not prepared! Ethical hackers know how cybercriminals work so they can assist businesses and business owners with prepare for the future and better adapt to online threats.

Some say that hacking is hacking, but ethical hacking is done by professionals to assist businesses and organisations with their security systems and ensure they are effective and successful.

Is your security system up to par? Contact the OSINT department on 021 110 0422 or email contact@osint.co.za. Alternatively, you can find out more on the OSINT website www.osint.co.za


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