How digital forensics investigators gather evidence and solve crime using social media

Social media can be a great tool to document our daily lives, and when it comes to solving crimes, law enforcement officials and digital investigators view it as a valuable tool, too.

*What is SmInt?

Social Media Intelligence is the use of information stored within social media platforms to further the knowledge of a person, group or incident. Often this information is available unbeknownst to the user. While the information is not accessible at the click of a button it can be uncovered with queries and structured data calls.*

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A survey showed that majority use social media for several reasons:

1. Identifying people
2. Gathering evidence
3. Discovering criminal activity and locations
4. Community outreach
5. Soliciting crime tips
6. Notifying the public
7. Recruitment

People put a great amount of personal, detailed information online. Targets even brag and post illicit valuable information in reference to travel, hobbies, places visited, functions, appointments, circle of friends, family members, relationships, actions, etc.

The networks most used by law enforcement officials and digital forensics investigators:

- Facebook
- Twitter
- Instagram
- Youtube

Some social media platforms can reveal more information than others.

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