Here’s how a malicious website could infect your iPhone
If you are under the impression that your iPhone is immune to malicious threats, then you are living in the past. Even though Apple iPhones are a smaller target then Android phones, it is possible to become infected by simply opening a website. Infected websites can install malware as well as spyware on your device; from there they work in the background without you even noticing it is there! The consequences of your device being infected can be serious, all your passwords, messages, call history, photos, etc. can be compromised, so always be sure to exercise caution. Here’s how to avoid infecting your Apple iPhone with malicious malware… - Make sure you regularly update your phone and ensure it is running the latest version of iOS. Always download all the updates as soon as they become available. Developers fix the issues that cybercriminals take advantage of in all the latest versions. - Never click on links in ads, emails or messages, like SMSs from someone...